Find Out Who Lives There With Reverse Address Lookup

Use our address search to find out who lives there and lookup names and phone numbers of residents and neighbors.
Try searching a friend, relative, celebrity, yourself, or someone else you might know…

How Does a Reverse Address Lookup Work?

Address Lookup organizes billions of data points taken from county assessor, white page listings, and property owner data to search for who lives at an address


Reverse Address Search Can Provide…

Personius’s informative reports include the following data when available:

Who Lives There

Current Residents
Past Residents
Property Owner History

Property Details

Property Statistics
Home Value

Neighborhood Info

Sex Offenders
Crime Rate
Safety Statistics

Owner's Details

Location History

Enhanced Report

Criminal Records
Marital Records
*Upgrade Required

Contact Information

Social Profiles
Phone Numbers
Email Addresses
Start Your Search Now


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to use the reverse address lookup?
The service that Estatemarketvalues provides is a address lookup. We impose no limit to the number of searches you perform, so you can address every concern you have about a property or some neighbors without worrying about the costs.
Will the address search also provide information on the assets on the property?
No, the address lookup finds information on the legal description, layout, and market value of the property, details on the assets the owner possesses are not included. You need to turn to search engines or other types of inquiries to get such data.
How long does it take to run a background search on someone?
It won’t take very long. We can find people in 5 minutes. All you have to do is input a name and location. Our Fast People Search servers will take care of the rest.
How accurate is the data you offer?
The address search, and the other services Estatemarketvalues provide, like the reverse address lookup for phone numbers, are based on our sustained efforts to provide the most accurate and updated information.
Can I make sure people don’t use Estatemarketvalues to do a reverse address lookup on my property?
Yes, if you want your personal details, including information on your property, to be removed from our database, we can do that for you. All you have to do is contact our customer service, and an address search on your property will no longer be possible with our service.

How We Can Help.

“I was able to meet up with a guy that I’d exchanged Christmas cards with every year. I hadn’t seen him in over 40 years! I searched his address on the site and found his phone number. I called, and we spoke. I even went out to Georgia to visit him.”

George F.

“I was able to get the name and cell number of my next door neighbors that I haven’t met yet. We have a lake home next to them, and they had a gas leak. They were out of town but they were able to find a neighbor who had a copy of the keys to turn off the gas.”

Jarrett M.

“My address search worked out very well. I was trying to see if I wanted to buy a property and I was able to see how much the property was worth.”

Nery R.